Our Work

Although our work is continuously expanding, our core work is around curricula development and building intellectual/social community toward justice and equity.  community and civic engagement goals. Our work ultimately seeks to enact an emancipatory ethos and practice of critical public engagement that moves people into spaces where they can dismantle barriers that tend to exist along the lines of class, race, sex, gender, and political orientation. Following are the pillars of our work:


Our creative curricula bring together racially, socio-economically, and religiously diverse communities to learn competencies in solidarity and form networks of transformation across the city.


Throughout the year, Curate organizes and hosts events around pressing social issues to engage with different publics toward building broader and deeper coalitions.


Curate also makes interventions through blogs and podcasts—and soon through an online digital publication—all of which delves deeper into issues that link religion and race to the ongoing work of struggling for human dignity intersectional justice.


Our team members regularly publish and present in academic settings in both America and Europe, church settings, community forums, civic gatherings, and panel discussions. We will also soon offer social scientific research and analysis toward improving community and civic engagement models.


Curate provides additional, in-depth contextual analysis, strategic design, and leadership training for churches, civic organizations, ecclesial councils and leaders, foundations, and academic partners. Submit inquiries regarding these services via the linked contact form.


We have a number of social justice advocates and community organizers on our team who work on issues of inequity, including those related to immigration, education, housing, and race. Throughout the year, we share strategies on how you can get involved at the local level or participate in Curate’s social incubator groups that engage in various collaborative, immersive, and relational community service projects that seek to take action on several issues.